It was a night to remember!
We were told to arrive early for the July 4th parade
Not only is it a popular event in the town of Lake Pleasant,
but it was their big BiCentennial celebration!
Celebrating 200 years since the
town was settled!
We did not want to miss any of it.
People had started lining up a couple of hours
before the parade started.
The parade's theme was
Past, Present, Future and Patriotic
I loved the vintage Americana feel
There's something about bagpipes
playing that just hits you with nostalgia.
Even though they are well, Scottish!
There were clowns and unicyclists, too!
The parade was full of excitement,
cheers, and candy tossing,
an old favorite!
I would have to say the Town of Lake Pleasant
did a fabulous job and we were
happy to be there for it.
Here's to another 200 years!
In my next post I'll share with you
their awesome Fourth of July
fireworks show which went on a
couple hours later...
Stay tuned!